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Our Values

At Incident Management Solutions we understand it is necessary to have clarity and strong objectives so we can work together with autonomy.  Our values at IMS are driven around our SMART working ethos and describes the mutual expectations for our working environment and culture.  Our SMART values are mindful of our overall vision and mission but have a focus on what makes a great place to work.  People are central to our operations,  therefore we find importance in providing a centralised reminder of our accountability to each other, our clients and their customers.   At IMS leadership is seen as a support system to our team members where accountability and respect is paramount.  Our bite sized Smart Values at IMS are:



We support our clients through our SMART processes, we support our organisation by being present and SMART and we support our departments and ourselves through encouragement and positivity.



We say what we mean and we mean what we say.
Positive multi directional communication is encouraged for continuous improvements.



Our working environment is energetic, fast-paced but friendly and fun.
We are respectful, supportive with drive and ambition.



High performance is valued through Total Reward.
We celebrate success at IMS and recognise each contribution.



Leadership that gets you.
Our aim is to coach, develop and inspire from Z to A.